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Elements of Magic: Thru the Eyes of the Fool

Elements of Magic: Thru the Eyes of the Fool Date: October 6 – 7, 2017 (Friday evening and all day Saturday)

Location: 2011 Noble Street Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Join us for the first of the Reclaiming core classes as we explore the elements of magic: air, fire, water, earth, and spirit. We’ll be using a variety of magical and ritual techniques and skills, including visualization, raising energy, divination, singing, trance, creating magical space, and ritual design. This class is experiential in nature.

In tarot the Fool card is number zero. It is the beginning and the end. The Fool embodies wonder, a free spirit, and a trust in the process. The Fool is adventure and unlimited potential. Come experience the Elements of Magic with the eyes (and heart) of the Fool!

The class hours are October 6th Friday 7-10:30pm and October 7th Saturday 9am-10pm.

▶︎Cost for this intensive is sliding scale of $165-$75-you decide where you slide. If you are able to pay at the higher end of the scale please do as this allows us to maintain the lower end.

There are also 2 work study slots available for a discounted fee. If you’d like to apply for the work study write on your registration you’re applying for the work study. We’ll do a random draw of the applicants around September 8th.
▶︎Registration ends Sept 29th. $50 holds your slot, balance due by Sept 22nd. Anyone registering between Sept 22nd and Sept 29th must pay in full with their registration.

You can find the registration form here: https://tinyurl.com/elementsreg

PayPal: paypal.me/boneweaver

Please complete the registration and email it to spiritualfoundations@gmail.com.

Prerequisite: Reading of the first six chapters of The Spiral Dance by Starhawk.

Teachers: Boneweaver, Vasalisa, and Ravensong


Boneweaver: I am a Reclaiming/Feri witch, a deathworker, a keeper of transitions, an artist. My rootwork, custom oil blends, and spellwork are based on American folk witchcraft traditions. I adore ritual and the structure behind it. Drumming and chanting are blessed things and I promise myself weekly to get better at both. I play with divination tools, but my access mostly comes thru the ether via beings who are largely Unseen, and in particular the Dead (who are quite chatty). I strive for healthy community. My superpower is direct speech delivered with kindness. I find Joy in the nooks and crannies of my life.

Ravensong: I am a witch with deep roots in Norse and Northern Appalachian folk traditions adopted by a Reclaiming coven five years ago which has become my spiritual home. Eternally bothered by Odin, Huginn, and Muninn, and pulled to my feet when I stumble by Thor, I am called by the magic of place, the songs of the Elder Futhark, and the spirits of native plants, particularly herbs. I embrace deep listening as a path to connection with all beings, including humans. I watch and guard the energies that flow underneath of collective process. I love to laugh. My superpower is intuition. I strive to understand and to be understood. I am a born and bred Pittsburgh native, a healer, a craftess, mistress of mead, and a mother of cats. I find joy and peace in sinking my hands into soil.

Vasalisa: I am an existential artist, soothsayer, challenger of reality, and thrift store magician with a fascination of Astrology and the stars above. Rooted in the Reclaiming and Feri traditions, my relationships with Aphrodite and Loki describe me best: I am constantly discovering beauty in the chaos of life. When inspiration strikes, my whole heart is woven into the task at hand. From witchcraft to jewelry craft, I believe in the merit of hard work, refinement of skills and follow through. As a Capricorn: organization is my super power. As a Gemini: I believe that honest communication leads to connection and authentic relationships. The energies of the Tarot have wooed me for many years and I love sharing their gifts with my community. It is my intention as a reader to empower all seekers to look within for the answers that are desired, embrace the unique and choose humor over fear when shadows arise. I have deep appreciation for magic and I am devoted to it’s healing powers of transformation.

Reclaiming Pittsburgh is a collective of Reclaiming and Reclaiming friendly folks who gather for activist based ritual about 8 times a year. You can find Reclaiming Pittsburgh on Facebook (website coming soon).

Our Mission Statement: 

Reclaiming Pittsburgh desires to create a growing body of workshops and classes in person and online for increasing personal and social power while building healthy community in the Pittsburgh area. We believe magic changes the world through changing our consciousness at will, and we commit to bringing that magical change into our community.
● We strive for relevance, honesty, and integrity

● We honour truth telling, deep & unflinching listening, and authentic emotion

● We empower ourselves, each other, and our community to action

We value shared overt leadership, and acknowledge that those who invest the most energy are the primary shapers of this community. We foster cooperation and interconnection and we welcome all faiths, genders, races, and ethnicities.

Our Rituals are Ecstatic, Improvisational, Ensemble, Inspired, and Organic 

Image: The Fool by Amoret 

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Bees and Reclaiming Pittsburgh – LEAN IN TO JOY with BONEWEAVER; REBLOG.

Honey bees, the ones who have doing community correctly down pat. They all have their jobs, they all do their jobs, and in so doing they support each other and the community. They care for and feed their queen. The queen is the center of the community and with care and food this center supports, maintains, and allows the hive to expand. This system also produces more queens! Whatever is at the center of community is fed and cared for so it will remain viable and useful. What would you like to be the center of Reclaiming Pittsburgh? How can we feed our community so it grows and thrives?
Join us for “Back to the Hive: Reclaiming Pittsburgh Community Meeting” on Saturday, October 21st, 2017, at 2011 Noble St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15218-2100. 

Back to the Hive: Reclaiming Pittsburgh’s Annual Ritual Community Meeting

What do we mean by ritual community meeting? We will be doing the sacred work of planning and decision making for the November 1, 2017 – October 31, 2018 cycle. We will be casting, calling in the elements, doing trance, raising energy, etc. while making consensus decisions for the future of the Reclaiming Pittsburgh community.

Do you have a proposal for the Reclaiming Pittsburgh Community for the November 1, 2017 – October 31, 2018 cycle? Is there a process, type of work, or discussion that you would like to see manifested? Please send your proposals or discussion topics to Amoret BriarRose at amoret@amoretbriarrose.com by October 7, 2017.

Witchy/magical attire encouraged!

**Parking at the location. If you’re approaching 2011 Noble St and the building is on your left, continue 1/2 block to Center St. and turn right. Go another 1/2 block and a parking lot is on your left.

If the location is on your right as you proceed on Noble St, then you will turn left on Center St. 1/2 block prior to reaching the building.

The lot is metered, but never checked according to our event hostess.

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Already I see the urge to mobilize softening – DON’T LET IT!

Trading morsels of comfort for other folks’ lives.

Already, through shared articles, I see folks taking wee sighs of relief. I see people saying, “OK, maybe it’s not as bad as we think.” YES IT IS. Nothing has changed. Nothing! 

Come on, my fellow white citizens – Don’t let yourself be lulled into ease, into “oh, hey, I can live with that.” Don’t slip back into your comfortable white supremacist thinking. Sure, it’s what you know – and it’s just as wrong today as it was yesterday. Don’t lose yourself in it again.

The articles being shared talk about the President-elect’s campaign promises that won’t come to pass – he won’t overturn the ACA, he can’t really build a wall, etc. What were you thinking? That he could build that wall? Do you know the size of the border?  Do you know what’s at stake for those in power if it happened? The ACA, have you forgotten that Congresspeople only care about being re-elected and most citizens are for the ACA? They may want changes to the ACA, but they don’t want it repealed into the ether. How long have you been watching Washington?

Broken promises aren’t new. Why are you relieved that campaign promises can’t be kept? Did you really believe all the things said to get your vote were doable? If so, you need to do a Google search on the history of winners’ promises coming to fruition by their own hand.

It wasn’t the promises that got people to vote, it was the mindset that posited those things, the psyche that knew one could say any outrageous thing, any promise could be made, and if those promises said underneath that they’d uphold the old order, the status quo, people would gobble that up and vote.

Now is not the time to be relieved some campaign promises can’t be kept – this is not news. This is one more tool to invite complacency, to let you know your life (your cis, het, white, able-bodied life) can stay mostly as is, while everyone else (again, again) has boots on their throats.

Dear Gods, don’t be complacent. White supremacy is still here. It never left – not during the last 8 years, not during the last hundreds or years. Don’t allow your edge to be smoothed away by articles that want you to go back to being silent, ineffective, and a cog in the system. 

Please, please – stop reading and sharing those articles. Don’t let relief overtake your new vigor to fight the system. Stoke that flame of resistance! It is tiny, extinguishable by a thimbleful of water -do not allow it! Stoke those flames of change!

It is the time to RISE, not sit. To keep our eyes open, to shout until we can no more, to stand with the disenfranchised and the marginalized. It is time to put our mouths, money, and bodies between the way it has always been and the world we want it to be! RESIST!

(originally published here)

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Listen: The Spirits are Speaking

a m o r e t

I have never been a witch that worked with plants. I have been doing this witchy thing for almost 17 years, and I was never a witch that gardened or grew herbs. It just wasn’t my thing.

But one of the fun things about being a witch is this:  over time, your practices, interests, and magic shift and change. And, if you are an animist, the natural world reaches out to work with you.

Last Samhain, I left our pumpkins out in the yard over the winter. They rotted and spilled their seeds to the ground, and I ended up with a tiny front yard bursting with pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) vines. I got a kick out of this turn of events and decided to leave them be, curious if they would produce pumpkins. I ended up getting five pumpkins out of the deal:

img_0647 Four are pictured here – I didn’t…

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Pentacle of Charisma – Upcoming Class, Raccoon State Park, PA


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The Pentacle of Charisma: Invoking the Black Heart of Innocence in Community Leadership

The Pentacle of Charisma: Invoking the Black Heart of Innocence in Community Leadership

November 4-6, 2016, at a cabin in Raccoon State Park

Hookstown, PA 15050

Limited number of slots

Charisma is a necessary component of effective leadership in community. People love it when they see it, embrace it when they have it, yet shy from naming it. Let’s remove the stigma, and learn the art of being charismatic through the Black Heart of Innocence. Let’s Trust, be Present, act from Authenticity, be mindful of our Impact, and move in Delight.

The lowdown:

Sliding scale fee: $230-$150 to sleep over in cabin; $100 to drive in and out each day

Friday evening to gather and settle into the energy: 6p.m. – 10 p.m.
Saturday to embrace and work the points of the Pentacle: 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Sunday to discuss and begin to integrate the experience: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Payment through the donate button on Blossoming Bones. $50 deposit to hold your slot, full payment due by October 15th.

Send an email of inquiry to witches2brew@gmail.com, subject line, “The Pentacle of Charisma” to receive the registration form.

More from the Facilitators:

Thoughts from Amoret:

In all the world, there will never be another just like you. You, one of the many facets of the Universe, your living Black Heart is a droplet of infinite stars. Unique just like everyone else, human and of the gods, we each have a handful of years to take our Self and offer it to Life.

I say again:  there will never be another just like you.

We have all felt the gravitational pull of Leaders. Sometimes we call that pull “charisma”. Many times I have looked at someone who was particularly compelling, someone who was brimming with magic and thought, “I wish I could shine like that.” In truth, the desire I feel in those moments is this: I want to unlock my own unique wisdom to share with the world in service. What if charisma simply describes those moments of congruence when we tap into our personal wellsprings of magic and are able to share our essence with others?

This is an invitation to befriend Trust, Presence, Authenticity, Impact and Delight – let’s use this pentacle to bring our gifts into the world, in service.

Amoret BriarRose | I am a poet, witch, and synergist, and have been working Reclaiming magic for 16 years. I seek the sacred in words and woods, in song and silence, and in the intimate magics of the everyday. I endeavor to look life in the eye and believe that surrender holds a key to grace. I am called to divination, gathering messages from tarot cards and runes, from the sounds of tree roots stretching and the drumming of heartbeats. I am called to community, knowing that many hands make light and interesting work. I come alive when our voices come together, calling to the Mysteries.

An itinerant Priestess at heart, I currently reside in Pittsburgh, PA, traveling to make sacred mischief. Find out more about me at http://www.amoretbriarrose.com.

Thoughts from Boneweaver:

What happens when we are in the presence of charisma? For me , I fall in love. I fall for the very essence of who they are. My spirit is touched and reaches back to them in reciprocity. I am enthralled. I want to spend time with them. I want to soak up what they’re offering. I want more.

When a leader in my community has charisma I find I want to be like them. I desire to have an impact as great as theirs. They inspire me to Trust in their Presence, to rise with their Authenticity, to welcome their Impact, and to squirm with Delight in all of it.

I stand Black Heart open, receiving and wanting, each cell begging to return this precious gift to those around me. I want this. I want to give with my whole self those things of service that only I can bring, those things that would be missing from my community if I didn’t show up and offer them.

Boneweaver |Chants, trance, and dance. I believe in the power of words, and particularly the power of words in song. I believe in the power of deep collective magic through sinking down, in and connecting outward to the all. I believe in the power of the body to move in rhythm with all the worlds, and I dance the borders between here and there, now and then, and life and death.

I am a death-working, transition loving, Reclaiming/Feri Priestess artist. I talk to the Dead, and They talk back. I thrill to stepping off of that cliff into the unknown, trusting the process to carry me to my work. I work to build healthy community through intentional, compassionate, magic and ritual, near Pittsburgh, PA. Visit me at http://www.leanintojoy.org to learn more about me.

Join us for our official kickoff of this new Pentacle!

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SAVE THE DATE – 1st weekend in November – A new Pentacle unveiled!

November 4-6, 2016, near Pittsburgh, PA, Bone & Briar are unveiling a new pentacle!

The Pentacle of Charisma: Invoking the Black Heart of Innocence in Community Leadership

How do we dance between Authenticity and Responsibility?

Charisma: what a loaded word! Come work a new pentacle with us, and explore this concept as it relates to leadership and community. Stay tuned for details!

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Camp is Beckoning!

We are less than a week to Medusa camp. We are less than a week to:

being in community
entering mystery
personally and communally working the arc of the story
circling within the standing stones
working our Priestess Arts
engaging in mythic reality – on purpose
dipping our toes or whole bodies in the warm creek
night showers under the stars
delicious food
rapturous magic
lively conversation
beautiful music
feisty mischief in the faerie cairn

All of these things will be ours to enjoy. All of these things will enfold and hold our Work. Our Work including:

holding an unflinching gaze on ourselves
holding an unflinching gaze on our community
holding willing unflinching ears for other voices
risking seeing injustice
risking seeing ourselves
risking seeing others
opening our eyes to clearly see oppression
opening our mind to clearly confront our privilege
opening our spirit to shift how we are in the world
engaging Athena
engaging Medusa
engaging Perseus
riding Pegasus

The magic of camp occurs through us. The container we build on the first night is the support, a foundation and two-by-fours. As the week progresses we weave our Work. The energies become the plaster and drywall. Our music and dancing paints the container, laughter becomes curtains and floor pillows. It is a grand experiment, this thing that we do. It is Will, and Wonder, and Collective Desire that we Love into being with all of our Selves.

Camp. I can’t wait!

~Bonweaver originally posted at Mystery’s Touch.

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Guest Post: Shills and Supporting Priestesses

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Have you ever wanted to talk about something that you have experienced, but you don’t have the language to accurately describe it? Lately I have been thinking about the differences between shills and supporting priestesses in pagan ritual, and how those differences are really important. I think supporting priestesses are so important that their presence or absence can make or break a ritual…but I couldn’t find the words to say why I feel that way, or how a supporting priestess differs from a shill.

Thankfully, I have Elizabeth Wilson to help me. I met Elizabeth many years ago at Diana’s Grove, a community near St. Louis focused on community, leadership training and personal development; she continues this work with Expanding Inward, a team that creates, facilitates and celebrates opportunities to gather in a safe, supportive and healthy community context, encouraging deeply personal positive life transformation through Earth-based, ecstatic ritual.

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Limbs Like Veins Across the Sky

A little haiku for late February…

a m o r e t

Winter Warmth

bare black limbs vein the
cotton clouded sky, kindling
for the cold burn of moonlight

© 2013 Amoret BriarRose. All rights reserved.

Image: Between the Branches…Fog by glasseyes viewsome rights reserved

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