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Iron Pentacle: The Power of Secrets; Consent and Consequences

 Iron Pentacle:


 The Power of Secrets, Consent and Consequences

March 21-23, 2014

Private residence near Pittsburgh, PA

The Iron Pentacle is a tool of self-integration using the points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power and Passion to explore our inner shadows and the cultural shadows that we all deal with on a daily basis.  Part of our work is to learn how we hold the qualities of the points in harmony, tension and balance.

Sex: This is a point filled with shadows surrounding sex, sexuality, creativity, fertility, and body image.  How do we integrate these shadows to form a healthy relationship with ourselves as sexual beings?

Pride: Is it ok to feel pride in our accomplishments? How does pride relate to self-esteem?  We examine the shadows of being proud and the struggle to become right-sized in our pride.

Self: As we delve into the Three aspects of self from Spiral Dance, we explore all the different masks/selves we wear.  What functions do they serve, are they still necessary or are they left-overs from some past experience?  Who are you?

Power: As we explore the concepts of different kinds of power including, power-over, power-from-within, and power-with, we examine power dynamics and their effects on our lives. We remember times when we have felt power-less and powerful and when we have felt comfortable with our own personal power.

Passion: What is it that excites you?  What nourishes your soul and feeds the fires within?  How can we keep these passions in balance while still earning a living or doing other mundane tasks?  How can you be nourished by your passions and not burned out by them?

Join us and we explore using the Iron Pentacle for dealing with secrets. We all have them, we all keep them. What does it mean to be bound in this way? Is there a shelf-life to secrets? What do you do when the secret is so old it is now stale, but you are oathed to keeping your silence? What about the secrets vowed to muteness from the world that you keep only with yourself?

The Iron Pentacle is an outstanding and adaptable tool. Discover one more area the points can be experienced in relation to secrets.


Amoret BriarRose: Feri/Reclaiming initiate working in the traditions since 2000, Amoret partners with Boneweaver in the Bone and Briar line of Reclaiming/Feri in Pittsburgh, PA. Amoret’s passions include community building, co-creation and manifestation, ecstatic ritual, divination and the poetry of life. She is experienced in leadership training, small group facilitation, tarot, trance techniques, and ritual arts. Amoret believes that transformation can be blissful if we surrender to the process. It is her privilege and calling to tempt seekers to their transformations.

Boneweaver: Boneweaver is a Reclaiming initiate and a Feri initiate of the Victor Anderson path through the Starhawk line. She partners with Amoret in the Bone and Briar line of the Reclaiming/Feri tradition in Pittsburgh, PA. Boneweaver has been in a variety of leading and teaching roles within the Pittsburgh Pagan community for about a decade. Once an optician by trade, always an artist by desire. She works the edges between life and death and shadow work calls her (sometimes calling her Silly Names). She values a sense of humour and a sense of purpose and seeks those who are seeking her.

Student Teacher:

Julia: As a nature witch, she brings a love of science and the working of the natural world to her magic.  As a healer and avid book lover, she is drawn to the path of the bee.  As a quieter participant herself, she understands the challenges of group magic in community and is stepping up to the service anyway!

Time Commitment:

The intensive will begin at 7pm on Friday, March 21st and run through 1pm on Sunday, March 23rd. On Friday evening, we will come together and bond through discussion of the Iron Pentacle and a trance to start our journey. On Saturday, it gets personal. We focus inward to discover and then outward to manifest as we work through the points of the pentacle, breaking as appropriate for restful reflection and informal discussion. On Sunday morning, we will reconvene for ritual, wrap-up and farewell.

Friday: 7pm-10pm
Saturday: 10am-10pm
Sunday: 10am-1pm


Pittsburgh, PA; traveling participants welcome


– An open heart

– A sense of humour

– Familiarity with the concept of the Iron Pentacle is not a must, but strongly encouraged.


A “you decide” sliding scale of $98-$176 includes the weekend of instruction and supplies. You decide where you fall on the scale, no explanation needed.

To Register: 

Send an email to Amoret and Boneweaver at witches2brew@gmail.com. A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the workshop fee will be due on registering, and is the only way that we can hold a space for you. Registration and full balance must be received by March 14th. Payment should be made via Money Order. Please contact Boneweaver and Amoret at witches2brew@gmail.com to arrange payment.

Because we wish for The Work to reach all who are called: if the sliding scale is out of your reach but you wish to attend, please contact us privately at witches2brew@gmail.com. Limited partial scholarships available.

Though we do not anticipate this occurring, if for any reason the class would have to be cancelled full refunds of monies paid will be given.


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